2022 Northern Lights Homeschool Marching Band Information
Band Camp Theme Days
Each day during band camp, we have theme days. These are organized by the drum majors and offer opportunities to dress up and have fun. Prizes will be awarded!
Rehearsals at Corinth Reformed Church
Pre-camp Pre-Camp is required for all new marchers to NLMB, regardless of potential experience at another school. Students will meet their Section Leaders and learn the basic commands in a more relaxed atmosphere.
Choose at least one Session 1 and one Session 2. You may attend more if you like. Experienced marchers are not required to attend Pre-Camp, but are welcome to attend as a refresher course. We will not play music at these sessions, but you should bring your instrument to learn how to hold it during various command positions.
Colorguard rehearsals - May 11, 18, 25
Band Camp - June 6-10, 9am-3pm. Required for all participants.
Weekly Rehearsals - Wednesdays, June 15 to August 3, 9-11am
Parking - Parking lot D is to be used for drop-offs and pick-ups only. We expect to use this lot for the band to march. Please park in lot A if you are staying during band camp or rehearsals. MAP
June 11 - Rockford Start of Summer Parade - 11am
June 16 - Three Rivers Water Festival Parade - 7pm
June 18 - Grand Ledge Yankee Doodle Days Parade - 11am
July 4 - Schoolcraft Fourth of July Parade - 11am
July 16 - Ionia Free Fair Parade - 11am
July 30 - Byron Days Parade - 10am
August 6 - Grand Haven Coast Guard Festival Parade - 11:30am
To Do
Information and Timeline for Marching Band Uniform Distribution and Inspection
Uniform fittings will be held on Wednesdays in May. Inspections will be held during band camp.
Uniform Fittings:
May 11 - 1:30-3pm
May 18 - 1:30-3pm
May 25 - 1:30-4pm
June 1 - 1:30-3pm
Signup for your uniform fitting HERE
Drumline will do their fittings from 12:30 to 1 on May 11 and 18.
Kids attending pre-camp will do their fittings from 1 to 1:30 or 3-3:30 each week.
Colorguard will be assigned uniforms during their practice times.
Uniform Inspection:
Drumline: June 1 - 12:30pm
Colorguard: In class
Everyone else: Tuesday, June 7 - 8:30am
For inspection, students must have all required parts of the uniform. Be sure to try it on at home and make sure everything fits and is in good working order. Remember to avoid touching the white area of the hat with hands. The chin strap is NOT a handle.
Non-Colorguard Parade Uniform Pieces
HAT with hair styled as it will be in a parade. Girls with long hair must have it tucked under their hat or tightly braided in one or two French braids.
JACKET/GAUNTLETS with white T-shirt underneath and adjusted to appropriate sleeve length
BIBBERS (PANTS) adjusted to length of halfway down the back of the shoes with a break/bend in the front where it falls on the shoes (you will want to wear athletic shorts underneath)
SOCKS - black crew or higher
SHOES - black marching band shoes
GLOVES, if required (will be passed out Monday of band camp)
Please do the following to make sure the band inspections run smoothly:
Arrive Early
Please be in uniform at 8:30, Tuesday, June 7, in the gym ready for inspection. Students need to be lined up in parade order in their parade uniform at 8:30 sharp. Colorguard and Drumline will do inspections at another time.
Missing Uniform Parts
If you have missing uniform parts, you must arrive before 8:15 to get the items you need.
We need you to adjust your bibbers BEFORE coming to the Uniform Inspection. The best way to do this is to have your student put their bibbers on inside out. There are snaps at the bottom to adjust the hem. The hem cannot touch the ground but must cover the socks.
Don't forget the shoes!
Double-check to see if you have Marching Band shoes that fit. If you need marching band shoes, they must be purchased through the band! Please email us at [email protected] asap! Thank you!
Trial Run at Home
Do a trial inspection at home. Do you have concerns about the uniform being too small or too large? Bring your concern to the attention of the inspectors to see if a change is needed.
Veteran Parents Needed!
If you have been in marching band in the past and are comfortable with how the uniform should fit, we need your help. Please report to Ruth Lash or Roni Nash to let them know you are available.
Parents – Please stay for the fitting!
If possible, we need all parents to stay for the fitting. You may be needed if there are questions concerning your student's uniform and your help will be greatly appreciated.
Return Uniforms to Your Vehicles!
To avoid having uniforms lying all over the building (and increasing the possibility of uniforms getting mixed up), all uniforms should be taken to your vehicles after the inspection.
If your hat or bibber does not have a barcode, please bring it to table in the gym to have it attached. (We could use a few parents to help with this!)
What Will Be Looked for During Inspection
HAT - Worn like military hat rather than a baseball cap. Think marine. High in the back. Just over the eyes in front. Good fit around the head.
JACKET/GAUNTLETS - Sleeves adjusted to end over gloves. Good fit. Not too long (ends near hips on the side to avoid bunching in back. Gauntlet velcro won't rub skin.
BIBBERS - Not too baggy or too tight. Inseam not too low or too high (able to lift knee for high-step march if needed). Shoulders straps not loose. There are velcro straps available if needed for bringing the straps together in the back.
SOCKS - Black. High enough to not show when marching high step
SHOES - Marching band shoes. Current style or previous approved style.
GLOVES - Good fit.
Sousaphones - beret rather than hat
Colorguard - uniforms distributed and approved by color guard teachers (We have many used color guard shoes for sale in uniform distribution room.)
Banner - non-bibber pants accepted. Students wearing banner pants must wear black t-shirts under their jacket. Any all-black shoes comfortable for a long walk accepted. We have many used ones for sale.
Health & Safety at Band Camp and Rehearsals
Camp Nurse
For your information, we have a trained medical professional who is on-site during band camp, rehearsals, and parades.
Hydration is Vital to a Healthy Band Camp Experience
It is very important for students to drink plenty of water or hydrating fluids before and during band camp. Make sure your children are drinking plenty of fluids for several days before band camp. Sugary and caffeinated drinks are to be avoided. Each student needs a large water bottle for band camp and all rehearsals. Make sure their name is clearly marked on it.
Protection from the Sun
We will spend a lot of time outside. Be sure to bring sunscreen, hats and eye protection.
Proper Footwear a Must
Students must wear athletic shoes during all rehearsals. Absolutely no sandals, flip flops or bare feet!
Plenty of Rest Needed
Be sure your children get enough rest each night to be at their best for each rehearsal
Attending Band Camp is Required
Every rehearsal prepares the students for performing in parades. Please be committed to attending every rehearsal because students who do not know the routine will not march in a parade until they know the routine.
2 Requirements for Instrumental Students
There are two requirements that must be met for a student to march in parades:
1. All music must be memorized correctly
2. Must be able to perform the choreography routine (learned at band camp)
Bring your music to Band Camp!
You do not need to bring your music stand.
Lunches at Band Camp
Students must bring their own lunches Monday through Thursday of Band Camp. Pizza will be provided on Friday.
Practice Daily!
Marching Band students must practice a minimum of a half hour per day to get your chops in shape. Stand while you practice, mark time (march in place) and work on holding those instruments up!! Practice anything you want, just be sure to include the Ultimate Warmup and the Marching Band music. Important! Practice with the full band recording!
First Year Marching Band Students
All new marchers should start clapping and marching with the band music. The left foot always starts on beat one. Obtain a pop can and use it to measure the distance your foot should come off the ground. With your toes pointed down, your toes should go no lower than the top of the pop can. This is the "Pop Can Lift".
Each day during band camp, we have theme days. These are organized by the drum majors and offer opportunities to dress up and have fun. Prizes will be awarded!
- Monday:---sports
- Tuesday:---outdoors
- Wednesday:---crazy hair day
- Thursday:---music
- Friday: Game---marching band
Rehearsals at Corinth Reformed Church
Pre-camp Pre-Camp is required for all new marchers to NLMB, regardless of potential experience at another school. Students will meet their Section Leaders and learn the basic commands in a more relaxed atmosphere.
Choose at least one Session 1 and one Session 2. You may attend more if you like. Experienced marchers are not required to attend Pre-Camp, but are welcome to attend as a refresher course. We will not play music at these sessions, but you should bring your instrument to learn how to hold it during various command positions.
- Session 1 - May 11 or 18 - 1:30 to 3pm
- Session 2 - May 25 or June 1 - 1:30 to 3pm
Colorguard rehearsals - May 11, 18, 25
- Middle Guard - 1:25 to 2:25pm
- Junior Guard - 2:30 to 3:15pm
- Senior Guard - 3:15 to 4:30pm
- April 27, 1:30 to 2:30pm - Information Meeting/Pre-rehearsal
- May 4, 1-4pm - Drumline Auditions
- May 11, 18, 25, June 1 - 1-4pm - Drumline Rehearsals
Band Camp - June 6-10, 9am-3pm. Required for all participants.
Weekly Rehearsals - Wednesdays, June 15 to August 3, 9-11am
Parking - Parking lot D is to be used for drop-offs and pick-ups only. We expect to use this lot for the band to march. Please park in lot A if you are staying during band camp or rehearsals. MAP
June 11 - Rockford Start of Summer Parade - 11am
June 16 - Three Rivers Water Festival Parade - 7pm
June 18 - Grand Ledge Yankee Doodle Days Parade - 11am
July 4 - Schoolcraft Fourth of July Parade - 11am
July 16 - Ionia Free Fair Parade - 11am
July 30 - Byron Days Parade - 10am
August 6 - Grand Haven Coast Guard Festival Parade - 11:30am
To Do
- Block off June 6-10 on your calendar. All students must attend every day of band camp. No exceptions.
- Start memorizing the music below! All band members must pass the memorization test by May 9. No exceptions. Schedule your test here.
- All students must submit the Student Absence Report to record if they will be present or absent for all parades and rehearsals. We are also collecting t-shirt sizes on this form. This is the size they will receive the Friday of Band Camp. All students will receive a NLMB t-shirt at no extra cost. Extra NLMB t-shirts may be purchased for family members for $15.
Student Absence Report
Extra t-shirt order (do not order for your student here!) - Use SmartMusic to practice the music. See the links below.
- Sign up for Marching Band and pre-camp sessions at your parent portal.
- Sign up for your Parental Involvement spot (all families must help during the marching band season.)
- Read the DRESS CODE policy for Marching Band. Although the weather is getting warm and students want to wear as little as possible, it is extremely important that we enforce modesty at all rehearsals so that students can perform without distractions.
- Sign up for text messages to get important notifications during parades. Go to Contacts under your Parent Portal. Click Edit to opt in or out of text messages (if you don't opt in, you will receive an email instead of a text with the notification.)
Information and Timeline for Marching Band Uniform Distribution and Inspection
Uniform fittings will be held on Wednesdays in May. Inspections will be held during band camp.
Uniform Fittings:
May 11 - 1:30-3pm
May 18 - 1:30-3pm
May 25 - 1:30-4pm
June 1 - 1:30-3pm
Signup for your uniform fitting HERE
Drumline will do their fittings from 12:30 to 1 on May 11 and 18.
Kids attending pre-camp will do their fittings from 1 to 1:30 or 3-3:30 each week.
Colorguard will be assigned uniforms during their practice times.
- Be sure you are bringing a t-shirt and gym shorts for your students to wear during the fitting. (Your student will need a white t-shirt and gym shorts to wear during parades.)
- Be sure you bring your student's shoes if they still fit.
- You will be responsible for this uniform after it is checked out to you. These uniforms are very expensive. For example, the jackets cost at least $250 each. Your family is responsible for any loss or damages.
- Each piece is numbered. If you find it necessary to swap with another students after your piece is assigned, you must inform the office ASAP, otherwise you will still be held responsible for the piece that was assigned to you (even if you turn in a piece assigned to someone else.)
- You must keep all directions, bags, and boxes that come with your uniform.
- Uniform assignments can be viewed by going to your transaction history. You will see a number of entries labeled "Merchandise". Click on the row to see the item and student. This information has also been emailed to you.
Uniform Inspection:
Drumline: June 1 - 12:30pm
Colorguard: In class
Everyone else: Tuesday, June 7 - 8:30am
For inspection, students must have all required parts of the uniform. Be sure to try it on at home and make sure everything fits and is in good working order. Remember to avoid touching the white area of the hat with hands. The chin strap is NOT a handle.
Non-Colorguard Parade Uniform Pieces
HAT with hair styled as it will be in a parade. Girls with long hair must have it tucked under their hat or tightly braided in one or two French braids.
JACKET/GAUNTLETS with white T-shirt underneath and adjusted to appropriate sleeve length
BIBBERS (PANTS) adjusted to length of halfway down the back of the shoes with a break/bend in the front where it falls on the shoes (you will want to wear athletic shorts underneath)
SOCKS - black crew or higher
SHOES - black marching band shoes
GLOVES, if required (will be passed out Monday of band camp)
Please do the following to make sure the band inspections run smoothly:
Arrive Early
Please be in uniform at 8:30, Tuesday, June 7, in the gym ready for inspection. Students need to be lined up in parade order in their parade uniform at 8:30 sharp. Colorguard and Drumline will do inspections at another time.
Missing Uniform Parts
If you have missing uniform parts, you must arrive before 8:15 to get the items you need.
We need you to adjust your bibbers BEFORE coming to the Uniform Inspection. The best way to do this is to have your student put their bibbers on inside out. There are snaps at the bottom to adjust the hem. The hem cannot touch the ground but must cover the socks.
Don't forget the shoes!
Double-check to see if you have Marching Band shoes that fit. If you need marching band shoes, they must be purchased through the band! Please email us at [email protected] asap! Thank you!
Trial Run at Home
Do a trial inspection at home. Do you have concerns about the uniform being too small or too large? Bring your concern to the attention of the inspectors to see if a change is needed.
Veteran Parents Needed!
If you have been in marching band in the past and are comfortable with how the uniform should fit, we need your help. Please report to Ruth Lash or Roni Nash to let them know you are available.
Parents – Please stay for the fitting!
If possible, we need all parents to stay for the fitting. You may be needed if there are questions concerning your student's uniform and your help will be greatly appreciated.
Return Uniforms to Your Vehicles!
To avoid having uniforms lying all over the building (and increasing the possibility of uniforms getting mixed up), all uniforms should be taken to your vehicles after the inspection.
If your hat or bibber does not have a barcode, please bring it to table in the gym to have it attached. (We could use a few parents to help with this!)
What Will Be Looked for During Inspection
HAT - Worn like military hat rather than a baseball cap. Think marine. High in the back. Just over the eyes in front. Good fit around the head.
JACKET/GAUNTLETS - Sleeves adjusted to end over gloves. Good fit. Not too long (ends near hips on the side to avoid bunching in back. Gauntlet velcro won't rub skin.
BIBBERS - Not too baggy or too tight. Inseam not too low or too high (able to lift knee for high-step march if needed). Shoulders straps not loose. There are velcro straps available if needed for bringing the straps together in the back.
SOCKS - Black. High enough to not show when marching high step
SHOES - Marching band shoes. Current style or previous approved style.
GLOVES - Good fit.
Sousaphones - beret rather than hat
Colorguard - uniforms distributed and approved by color guard teachers (We have many used color guard shoes for sale in uniform distribution room.)
Banner - non-bibber pants accepted. Students wearing banner pants must wear black t-shirts under their jacket. Any all-black shoes comfortable for a long walk accepted. We have many used ones for sale.
Health & Safety at Band Camp and Rehearsals
Camp Nurse
For your information, we have a trained medical professional who is on-site during band camp, rehearsals, and parades.
Hydration is Vital to a Healthy Band Camp Experience
It is very important for students to drink plenty of water or hydrating fluids before and during band camp. Make sure your children are drinking plenty of fluids for several days before band camp. Sugary and caffeinated drinks are to be avoided. Each student needs a large water bottle for band camp and all rehearsals. Make sure their name is clearly marked on it.
Protection from the Sun
We will spend a lot of time outside. Be sure to bring sunscreen, hats and eye protection.
Proper Footwear a Must
Students must wear athletic shoes during all rehearsals. Absolutely no sandals, flip flops or bare feet!
Plenty of Rest Needed
Be sure your children get enough rest each night to be at their best for each rehearsal
Attending Band Camp is Required
Every rehearsal prepares the students for performing in parades. Please be committed to attending every rehearsal because students who do not know the routine will not march in a parade until they know the routine.
2 Requirements for Instrumental Students
There are two requirements that must be met for a student to march in parades:
1. All music must be memorized correctly
2. Must be able to perform the choreography routine (learned at band camp)
Bring your music to Band Camp!
You do not need to bring your music stand.
Lunches at Band Camp
Students must bring their own lunches Monday through Thursday of Band Camp. Pizza will be provided on Friday.
Practice Daily!
Marching Band students must practice a minimum of a half hour per day to get your chops in shape. Stand while you practice, mark time (march in place) and work on holding those instruments up!! Practice anything you want, just be sure to include the Ultimate Warmup and the Marching Band music. Important! Practice with the full band recording!
First Year Marching Band Students
All new marchers should start clapping and marching with the band music. The left foot always starts on beat one. Obtain a pop can and use it to measure the distance your foot should come off the ground. With your toes pointed down, your toes should go no lower than the top of the pop can. This is the "Pop Can Lift".
2022 Information Packets
Read the Marching Band information carefully and make sure your children understand the marching band requirements
Students age 9 and up who have older siblings in the band may join Banner Carriers. These students carry the flags of the many states the NLMB has visited, and march with the Band during parades. There are a limited number of slots available. Banner Carriers learn basic marching commands during Band Camp from their dedicated instructors. This age-appropriate curriculum includes learning how to move in time with the beat, march in step on the correct foot, mark time, move in line with the rank, adjust spacing, focus on verbal commands, and respond as a unit. While there is intentional instructional time, Banner Carriers also have relaxed team-building and social opportunities at Band Camp.
Boys age 9 and 10 may join the Rifle Drill team (must be 9 by September 1). Each Rifle Drill Team student will learn a drill to perform as a team while marching to the cadence as well as with each song. There will not be any tosses or twirls, strictly military style drills and marching. We will focus on crisp, clean, coordinated moves and marching as one unit. This is a great opportunity for your student to refine their marching skills, learn a new discipline, memorize a routine and get a taste of the responsibility and dedication needed to march with an instrument. This is a great option for boys who are ready for the next level, but not old enough to join the instruments. Each Rifle Drill Team student will need to purchase a wooden rifle from WMHFA. The rifles are approximately $50 and you may be able to sell it to the next year’s Drill Team when your student begins marching with an instrument. Please note: all students enrolled in the Rifle Drill Team may occasionally carry a flag or banner in a parade, if needed, but will march with the Rifle a majority of the time.
Boys age 9 and 10 may join the Rifle Drill team (must be 9 by September 1). Each Rifle Drill Team student will learn a drill to perform as a team while marching to the cadence as well as with each song. There will not be any tosses or twirls, strictly military style drills and marching. We will focus on crisp, clean, coordinated moves and marching as one unit. This is a great opportunity for your student to refine their marching skills, learn a new discipline, memorize a routine and get a taste of the responsibility and dedication needed to march with an instrument. This is a great option for boys who are ready for the next level, but not old enough to join the instruments. Each Rifle Drill Team student will need to purchase a wooden rifle from WMHFA. The rifles are approximately $50 and you may be able to sell it to the next year’s Drill Team when your student begins marching with an instrument. Please note: all students enrolled in the Rifle Drill Team may occasionally carry a flag or banner in a parade, if needed, but will march with the Rifle a majority of the time.