Grand Rapids Family Involvement Schedule
As a non-profit organization, we depend heavily on our families to help make West Michigan Homeschool Fine Arts a great experience for all of our kids. Each family is expected to be involved somewhere. Check out the descriptions, then click on an area of interest to see what slots are available. If you cannot find anything that seems to work for you, please contact [email protected].
Helping in the nursery is perfect for moms who will already be there with their own young children or for moms whose kids are older and need a baby fix! The nursery helpers need to provide supervision for young children whose parent/guardian is working elsewhere in the building. You will need to greet children as they arrive and make them feel welcome. Help them check in and note any special instructions. Keep them entertained and make sure play does not get too rough. Make sure older children are not using the nursery without a parent present. Be prepared to change diapers or take them to the restroom. Keep the nursery area clean, including wiping down surfaces, vacuuming, keeping toys picked up. If there are no children to care for, you may be asked to help in another area.
Social Hall/Study Hall |
Social hall/study hall monitors are very important for keeping things fun and safe for all our kids. All children must either be in class/lesson or social/study hall. Monitors will get their steps in walking around their assigned area to monitor, redirect, and report behavior as needed. You may keep your young children with you if you are monitoring the social hall or the upper hallway, but you need to keep moving and pay attention to all children, not just your own. No students should ever be in a room without adult supervision, and students should not be roaming the hallway. Students wandering around without an adult should be redirected to a study or social hall. The Lower Level hallway is to be quiet at all times. Study halls need to maintain a quiet study environment. (Think library!) These would not be good spots for someone to keep young children with them. Social halls are provided for families to talk and play games. However, no ball games or running games will be allowed in the gym unless an adult is actively leading it and keeping it under control. This must be an adult other than the room monitor. Please remember we have expensive instruments and many people in the building, so WMHFA is not a place for out-of-control behavior.
Parking Lot Monitors |
The main responsibility is to keep an eye on the parking lot. Many "situations" begin in the parking lot, and we want to keep an eye on what is happening outside our doors. General responsibilities include:
-Watching the parking lot (standing at the door or walking the parking lot.)
-Holding the door open and greeting people
-Assisting people (carrying items, giving directions, etc.)
-Ensuring traffic is flowing smoothly and cars are being parked in legitimate spots
-Keeping the glass doors clean
-Watching the parking lot (standing at the door or walking the parking lot.)
-Holding the door open and greeting people
-Assisting people (carrying items, giving directions, etc.)
-Ensuring traffic is flowing smoothly and cars are being parked in legitimate spots
-Keeping the glass doors clean
Teachers' Helpers |
Teacher's helpers are a coveted position! They get to listen to the group practice all year and can hear what their students are learning. They assist with taking attendance, collecting and recording practice records, handing out music, straightening the classroom, etc. Teacher's helpers may need to record students play their chair tests or challenges or help teachers in other tasks. Plan on helping the group during concerts as well. Please note this is a year-long commitment and counts as two slots.
Our kitchen helpers are some of our kids' favorite people! They get to help prepare and serve snacks and lunch to students, and they clean up afterwards. They need to take money from students and give change or record purchases on lunch cards. They may also need to pick up pizzas or run for supplies.
Set-up/Cleaning |
These are some of our most valuable helpers. The staff do NOT want to stay until late at night cleaning the building! Many hands make light work. We need help setting up rooms before class and making sure the building is clean at the end of the day. There will be checklists available to ensure everything is done. Many of these jobs are easy, but you also need to be available to fill in if someone calls in sick or if someone else needs assistance with their tasks. There will also be times that need extra cleaning. Thank you so much for helping out in these areas!
Do you like to be flexible? Our floaters are extremely important. They help wherever needed - copying music, giving chair tests, or subbing in the nursery, kitchen, social hall, classrooms, etc. You never know what you will do that day! Be prepared to clean toilets, take out garbage, sort student portraits, or even run to the store for supplies! If there are no needs when you first arrive, you will need to help supervise social hall/study hall/hallways and be ready to step in somewhere else during your shift if something comes up. You will need to be available during your entire shift. If we are short an essential position elsewhere, you may be asked to be a permanent sub in that area. Floaters must either be working on a task or supervising hallways and other student areas. Please be sure to pay attention to your surroundings during your shift. We appreciate you!
Fund Raiser/RaiseRight |
Want to help families save money on their tuition? You can help manage RaiseRight as well as handling the fundraisers offered including KeyCards, pizza kits, and bake sales. We need two people at this table at all times for accountability since they will be handling money. This position requires people who are trustworthy and can manage money accurately. We need to have at least one experienced person on each shift. Please note this is a year-long commitment and counts as two slots.
Information Table
We would love to have some experienced moms to help out at the information table. They need to be able to answer questions from other parents as well as help take payments and sell meal cards and concert tickets. They may also help enter attendance on the computer and send out homework emails. A friendly smile and being comfortable with a computer will be a huge asset! Please contact [email protected] if you are interested.
Can't find anything to fit?
There are other miscellaneous things that need to be done. If you can't fit one of these into your schedule, maybe you can help out with our marching band uniforms or do some computer work for us. We need people to help with orientation setup and people to bake snack items for our lunches and people to help with concerts. Contact [email protected] if you need help finding a place to plug in.